Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try.~ Zig Ziglar
I teach grade 9 at a secondary School in nopa. So far it has been a great first semester, the students and the staff have warmed up to me and are very supportive.
This semester went by rather quickly and there is already so much progress that it baffles me granted there are still challenges but i can say overall that it has been a great semester. I envoy working there and look forward to the 2nd semester.
Here are a few highlights of the semester:
-I remember the first couple of weeks that i started teaching and the students couldn't even understand simple directions like "write this" or "stand up". But by the end of the semester, most students understood directions and are able to figure out what I am trying to say by mimicking or demonstrating. A few of the top students are able to translate for the rest of the class if people are having trouble understanding.
-In every class, a teacher can identify the high achieving students; the ones that always understand and perform really well on their exam. Paying attention to those students is not a bad thing, on the contrary you can help them reach their full potential and give them that push they need. However, a teacher must not forget the middle and low achievers. This semester, I have a few of those students that when I ask other teachers even related family members, they said that these students cannot learn or they live in rural areas so they do not have time etc… well I am happy to report that those students with a bit of help and constant supervision passed the first semester of my class. A few even passed the final exam, which most students failed to.
-A few of the sections in the English textbook were a bit challenging for the students mainly because of the lack of vocabulary. For example the nutrition section was difficult because of the food that were recommended or the nutrients were foreign to the students. I tried and made it easier for them to understand by bringing in a guest speaker from the local clinic to explain why balancing food is important and nutrients found in local foods. I also brought in a few example of foreign food that I had like tuna, salmon, mayonnaise etc… The HIV section was a bit hard to teach because the students were very shy and cannot really participate in debates so for that chapter I also had a guest speaker and held debates in their local language.
-This semester I introduced them to various type of activities and test format so that next semester they can just practice their different skills without much difficulty.
Things that I still need to work on:
-Socializing with the other teachers. I have been getting better at being friendly with everyone but I still need to branch out and know everybody since there are only 27 of us.
-Keeping tabs on students’ progress throughout the semester by doing personal meetings and check up.
-Finish learning all of my students’ names along with their strengths and weaknesses.
-Create a debate club mainly for developing speaking abilities for both teachers and students.
-Keep a positive attitude.
Lastly I will share a quote from Peace Corps training that I really like because some people were saying that the children aren’t motivated and there is nothing that can be done about it, but as teachers it is our job to help the students realize and reach their potentials:
-People say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing that’s why we recommend it daily. ~Zig Ziglar
L’espoir est la puissance qui donne les autres la confidence d’essayer des choses nouvelles. ~Zig Ziglar
J’enseigne la 9eme année a l’école secondaire in Nopa. Le premier semestre c’est bien passe, les élèves et les professeurs sont très amiables et me respecte. Cet semestre a été fini très vite et le progrès des élèves sont très remarquables même si il y a des problèmes que je n’avais pas eu de temps d’adresser la semestre était très fructueuse. J’ai vraiment aime de travailler pendent la première semestre et je serai très contente de retourner pour le deuxième semestre.
Voici quelques moments que je pense était très important et encourageux pendent le premier semestre :
Les premières semaines que j’ai commencé à enseigner, mes élèves ne pouvaient pas comprendre des directions très simples, par exemple ‘écrivez ceci’ ou ‘asseyez vous.’ Mais a la fin du semestre plus fort des élèves comprends mes directions et lorsqu’ils ne comprend pas l’un des élèves plus fort traduit les directions dans la langue maternelle.
Dans chaque, il y a des élèves plus fort que les autres. Ces élèves le plus souvent comprennent tous ce que le professeur dit et a de bonnes marques dans les examens. C’est très bien de reconnaître et d’encourager ces élèves mais il ne faut pas oublier les autres qui ont un peu plus de difficulté à comprendre ou d’avoir de bonnes notes dans les examens. J’avais quelques élèves lorsque j’ai essaye de les aider les gens disaient qu’ils ne peuvent pas apprendre ou ils viennent des endroit rurales et n’ont pas la capacité d’apprendre. Je suis très contente de reporter que le majorité de ces élèves ont passe ma classe et l’examen final.
Parfois quelques chapitres étaient difficiles à enseigner a cause de manque de vocabulaire et de familiarisation. Comme solution j’ai essaye d’inviter les personnes qui sont qualifies pour parler avec les élèves par exemple a propos de HIV et nutrition.
Pendent le semestre j’ai introduis différente genre d’activité et méthodes pour développer leur connaissance d’anglais.
J’ai un proverbe que j’aime beaucoup à propos de motivation qui conclus le rôle d’un professeur :
- Les gens disent que la motivation n’est pas permanente. Mais, lorsqu’on se baigne cela non plut n’est permanent, c’est donc la raison qu’on doit se baignez chaque jour. ~Zig Zaglar
希望は人にステップアウトし、使用とする地震を与える力であります。〜ジグ・ザグァア (グゴゥウ)
私は今九年生先生です。学期は凄いました。学生と先生優 しくて恭しいです。学期は早い終えしました。全部良かったですけどまだいくつか問題があります。後期は素晴らしいです。
—最初の数週間学生は英語言葉例えば“作成する”と “立ち上がる”わかりませんでした。でも最後の学期はみんな簡単に言葉わかりました。
I teach grade 9 at a secondary School in nopa. So far it has been a great first semester, the students and the staff have warmed up to me and are very supportive.
This semester went by rather quickly and there is already so much progress that it baffles me granted there are still challenges but i can say overall that it has been a great semester. I envoy working there and look forward to the 2nd semester.
Here are a few highlights of the semester:
-I remember the first couple of weeks that i started teaching and the students couldn't even understand simple directions like "write this" or "stand up". But by the end of the semester, most students understood directions and are able to figure out what I am trying to say by mimicking or demonstrating. A few of the top students are able to translate for the rest of the class if people are having trouble understanding.
-In every class, a teacher can identify the high achieving students; the ones that always understand and perform really well on their exam. Paying attention to those students is not a bad thing, on the contrary you can help them reach their full potential and give them that push they need. However, a teacher must not forget the middle and low achievers. This semester, I have a few of those students that when I ask other teachers even related family members, they said that these students cannot learn or they live in rural areas so they do not have time etc… well I am happy to report that those students with a bit of help and constant supervision passed the first semester of my class. A few even passed the final exam, which most students failed to.
-A few of the sections in the English textbook were a bit challenging for the students mainly because of the lack of vocabulary. For example the nutrition section was difficult because of the food that were recommended or the nutrients were foreign to the students. I tried and made it easier for them to understand by bringing in a guest speaker from the local clinic to explain why balancing food is important and nutrients found in local foods. I also brought in a few example of foreign food that I had like tuna, salmon, mayonnaise etc… The HIV section was a bit hard to teach because the students were very shy and cannot really participate in debates so for that chapter I also had a guest speaker and held debates in their local language.
-This semester I introduced them to various type of activities and test format so that next semester they can just practice their different skills without much difficulty.
Things that I still need to work on:
-Socializing with the other teachers. I have been getting better at being friendly with everyone but I still need to branch out and know everybody since there are only 27 of us.
-Keeping tabs on students’ progress throughout the semester by doing personal meetings and check up.
-Finish learning all of my students’ names along with their strengths and weaknesses.
-Create a debate club mainly for developing speaking abilities for both teachers and students.
-Keep a positive attitude.
Lastly I will share a quote from Peace Corps training that I really like because some people were saying that the children aren’t motivated and there is nothing that can be done about it, but as teachers it is our job to help the students realize and reach their potentials:
-People say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing that’s why we recommend it daily. ~Zig Ziglar
L’espoir est la puissance qui donne les autres la confidence d’essayer des choses nouvelles. ~Zig Ziglar
J’enseigne la 9eme année a l’école secondaire in Nopa. Le premier semestre c’est bien passe, les élèves et les professeurs sont très amiables et me respecte. Cet semestre a été fini très vite et le progrès des élèves sont très remarquables même si il y a des problèmes que je n’avais pas eu de temps d’adresser la semestre était très fructueuse. J’ai vraiment aime de travailler pendent la première semestre et je serai très contente de retourner pour le deuxième semestre.
Voici quelques moments que je pense était très important et encourageux pendent le premier semestre :
Les premières semaines que j’ai commencé à enseigner, mes élèves ne pouvaient pas comprendre des directions très simples, par exemple ‘écrivez ceci’ ou ‘asseyez vous.’ Mais a la fin du semestre plus fort des élèves comprends mes directions et lorsqu’ils ne comprend pas l’un des élèves plus fort traduit les directions dans la langue maternelle.
Dans chaque, il y a des élèves plus fort que les autres. Ces élèves le plus souvent comprennent tous ce que le professeur dit et a de bonnes marques dans les examens. C’est très bien de reconnaître et d’encourager ces élèves mais il ne faut pas oublier les autres qui ont un peu plus de difficulté à comprendre ou d’avoir de bonnes notes dans les examens. J’avais quelques élèves lorsque j’ai essaye de les aider les gens disaient qu’ils ne peuvent pas apprendre ou ils viennent des endroit rurales et n’ont pas la capacité d’apprendre. Je suis très contente de reporter que le majorité de ces élèves ont passe ma classe et l’examen final.
Parfois quelques chapitres étaient difficiles à enseigner a cause de manque de vocabulaire et de familiarisation. Comme solution j’ai essaye d’inviter les personnes qui sont qualifies pour parler avec les élèves par exemple a propos de HIV et nutrition.
Pendent le semestre j’ai introduis différente genre d’activité et méthodes pour développer leur connaissance d’anglais.
J’ai un proverbe que j’aime beaucoup à propos de motivation qui conclus le rôle d’un professeur :
- Les gens disent que la motivation n’est pas permanente. Mais, lorsqu’on se baigne cela non plut n’est permanent, c’est donc la raison qu’on doit se baignez chaque jour. ~Zig Zaglar
希望は人にステップアウトし、使用とする地震を与える力であります。〜ジグ・ザグァア (グゴゥウ)
私は今九年生先生です。学期は凄いました。学生と先生優 しくて恭しいです。学期は早い終えしました。全部良かったですけどまだいくつか問題があります。後期は素晴らしいです。
—最初の数週間学生は英語言葉例えば“作成する”と “立ち上がる”わかりませんでした。でも最後の学期はみんな簡単に言葉わかりました。
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